Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - BSMS

Former Research Projects


Alessandro Santuz Title of his doctoral research:
Extracting muscle synergies from human steady and unsteady locomotion: methods and experiments

Alison Agres


Title of her doctoral research:

Function & Achilles rupture

Sebastian Bohm


Title of his doctoral research:

Tendon adaptation

Falk Mersmann

Title of his doctoral research:

Effects of maturation and training on the development of the morphological and mechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit

Maria Moreno Catalá


Title of her doctoral research:

Falling risk in early-onset Parkinson`s patients 

Matthias Hösl


Title of his doctoral research:

Spastic calf in children with Cerebral Palsy -Treatment effects in terms of muscular morphology and function

Philippe Moewis


Title of his doctoral research:

Understanding rotational joint laxity in the human knee

Marie Elena Bey Title of her doctoral research:
Fall risk during pregnancy
Georgios Charcharis Title of his doctoral research:
Plasticity of morphological and mechanical properties of muscles and tendons: Effects of maturation and athletic training
Antonis Ekizos Title of his doctoral research:
Dynamic stability control and metabolic cost of transport
Azza Hamed Title of her doctoral research:
Effect of exercise intervention on stability of locomotion and fall prevention in elderly population
Robert Marzilger Title of his doctoral research:
Muscle and tendon adaptation
Fyllis Papatzika Title of her doctoral research:
BioThinking - Aging and Frailty: Deterioration and degeneration of human health in multiple sub-systems
Goran Radovanovic Title of his doctoral research:
Exercise in chronic Achilles tendinopathy
Willi Rinke Title of his doctoral research:
Development and evaluation of a training program to prevent jumper's knee in young athletes in volleyball
Jeronimo Weerts Title of his doctoral research:
The association between lumbo-pelvic kinematics and low back pain