Please click here to have a list of all PhD students who are members of BSMS. You will also find a list of students who already finished their PhD projects. Please click here if you want to find out more about the PIs (supervisors) of our PhD students. In addition, an Executive Committee comprising three further members of the BSMS and one students’ representative who will be elected by the student body.
The executive committee is responsible for the progression and optimisation of the scientific programme and the quality management of faculty and students. The executive committee acts as an independent panel during the allocation of the travel grants and allowances for lab exchanges to doctoral researchers as well as the travel grants for the Master’s students who want to participate in the Autumn School.
The BSMS invited three international renowned scientists with a comprehensive background in movement science as members of the BSMS Scientific Advisory Board. The Board monitors the overall structure, the direction and progress of the research and the development of the education structures. The presence of the Scientific Advisory Board and the critical feedback from its members is of vital importance for the quality control of the programme.