Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institute of Sport Sciences


Information on the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s sporting history

Key dates in the historical development of the Institute Department of Sports Sciences



In May, The Deutsche Hochschule für Leibesübungen DHfL (a university for physical education) was founded in Berlin, initially under the leadership of Prof. Bier followed by Prof. Sauerbruch (from 1932).


A Department of Physical Education was set up in October at what was then Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität. Practical training as a PE teacher (as a minor subject for philology students) was initially completed at the DHfL.


In August, sport became an independent subject by ministerial decree. Academic (theoretical) training was completed at the university, but practical training as a teaching candidate was initially still provided by the DHfL and the Preußische Hochschule für Leibesübungen (a Prussian university for physical education).



All training was transferred to Berlin University’s Department of Physical Education.



Carl Diem worked to set up a new department.


The institute was officially opened as the “Department of Physical Education and School Healthcare”. It fell under the newly founded Faculty of Education, with Carl Diem becoming its first director.

As of 1949

Teacher training was expanded to include the areas of biomechanics, sports motor skills and psychology. This “Department of Physical Education” boosted its academic profile with multidisciplinary research into sports instruction.

Starting in 1968

As a result of the third higher education reform (merging with the Student Sport department), the “Sports Sciences section” was born.


For the first time ever in the GDR, a program was offered that trained P.E. teachers and rehabilitation sports teachers.


In 1990

The current Institute of Sports Sciences began to develop within the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities I, initially with the involvement of the structural and appointment committee.



The Institute  relocated to the Sportforum Hohenschönhausen.


Introduction of the new BA programsmes in Sports Sciences.


Introduction of the new master’s programs in Sports Sciences.


Move to a new department building on Campus Nord.


Inauguration of the new sport research hall on Campus Nord.