Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Chair of Sport Sociology

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of Sport Sciences | Chair of Sport Sociology | Projects | All Projects | Voluntary Engagement of Young People in Sport. A special analysis of the volunteer surveys 1999-2009

Voluntary Engagement of Young People in Sport. A special analysis of the volunteer surveys 1999-2009

Project description

The special analysis of representative volunteer surveys carried out Germany-wide in 1999, 2004 and 2009 provides the politics of sport and engagement, clubs and federations, and science with key findings on the pro bono and voluntary engagement of young people in sport. The results extend from activity and commitment rates, engagement opportunities and organizational context to changes in the motives, time invested and socio-structural characteristics of the young people engaged.

More information

Project team: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Braun (head of the project)

Duration: 07.2012 till 10.2012

On behalf of: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (BISp), German Olympic Sports Confederation (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, DOSB)