Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Chair of Sport Sociology

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of Sport Sciences | Chair of Sport Sociology | Projects | All Projects | Measures of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) within the federation organised football of the German Football Association (DFB)

Measures of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) within the federation organised football of the German Football Association (DFB)

Project information

The scientific evaluation aims to assess the central offers and measures of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) in federation organised football with regard to their level of awareness and their further development. Based on empirical findings, possibilities and limits of universal preventative intervention strategies in federation organised football should be determined in more detail and discussed.

The study starts at the level of the regional associations of the DFB and includes the perspective of relevant functionaries to evaluate the cooperation between the BZgA and federation organised football with regard to five thematic key aspects:

  1. perceived importance of addiction prevention in club and federation organised football

  2. perceived degree of awareness of the BZgA measures in club and federation organised football

  3. perceived acceptance of the BZgA measures in club and federation organised football

  4. perceived effectiveness of the BZgA measures in club and federation organised football

  5. perspectives and development opportunities for future practical cooperations between club and federation organised football and the BZgA

More information

Project team: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Braun (head of the project)

Duration: 01.2015 till 12.2015