Social Capital and Civic Competence – Social and political integration achievements by sports clubs
Project description
General objective of the research project is a systematic exploration of the key theories on the social and political integration achievements by sports clubs on a theoretical and empirical level. Against the complex horizon of discussions about clubs as “generators of social capital”, “radiators of cognitive-procedural civic competence” and “greenhouses of habitual civic competence”, the research project focuses on analyzing the key theories concerning integration-related achievements by various types of clubs on a theoretical and empirical level.
More information
Project team: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Braun (head of the project), Dr. Stefan Hansen, Saskia Ritter, Dr. Kathrin Sliep, Christina Weiß
Duration: 11.2002 till 10.2006
On behalf of: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) as part of the “Emmy-Noether-Programm”
External links: Emmy Noether Programme